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Last fall CPNP aligned legislative forces with ACCP in a coalition effort to amend the Social Security Act. The end goal would be to recognize clinical pharmacists practicing comprehensive medication management as healthcare providers, thereby allowing for payment for clinical pharmacy services. CPNP meets several times a month with ACCP and their political consultant, crafting a strategy to pursue legislation on Capitol Hill. The message is simple. Clinical pharmacists are the key to "getting the medications right" for patients, and in our case specifically, mental health patients.

 So as to not duplicate efforts and to ensure all documents and information is the most current, the ACCP Government Affairs web page will be your primary reference source on this initiative. We have developed resources that are being used in Hill visits with members of Congress and their staff:

  • The Medicare Initiative One-Page Summary is an overview of our advocacy effort. 
  • The Medicare Initiative Congressional Issue Brief as well as the Medicare Initiative Data Document provide statistical information. 

These documents can also be located by visiting the Government Affairs tab at and then clicking on the "Medicare Initiative with ACCP" link.

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