The current practice of psychiatric pharmacy is incredibly varied in terms of practice setting, activities performed, and services provided. This paper provides a description of the current clinical landscape of psychiatric pharmacy. This study is notable for being the first comprehensive survey of current psychiatric pharmacy practice in the United States.

This study provides baseline data on the qualifications and practice activities of pharmacists who provide clinical care to patients with psychiatric disorders. Further research is critical to determine how these services directly or indirectly impact outcomes, such as health care costs and mortality and morbidity, to further elucidate the value of psychiatric pharmacists as a vital member of the health care team. Discover the wide variety of practice settings that currently employ psychiatric pharmacists to improve access, outcomes, and cost.

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Silvia RJ, Lee KC, Bostwick JR, Cobb CD, Goldstone LW, Moore TD, et al. Assessment of the current practice of psychiatric pharmacists in the United States. Ment Health Clin [Internet]. 2020;10(6):346-53. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2020.11.346.